Reflections on my 29th Birthday

June 7 birthday
June 7 birthday

Today I am 29. OMG, oldness setting in! I'm one year away from 30, AH!  Today I am also one year and one month sober. It's been one month since I published my article One Year Without Alcohol, which promptly went viral on the internet.  Let me just say how crazy that is! I wanted to take a minute to say a big THANK YOU to everyone who read my article and took the time to write me a comment, a message on Facebook, a tweet, or an email.  I have been so pleasantly overwhelmed by the outpouring of positive feedback I have received after sharing my story with the world.  It was not easy to put into words how difficult and wonderful the last year has been, but I am so glad I did and happy that so many people felt inspired by what I had to say.

The truth is I didn't feel like my story was special, but in reality there are many people who have suffered the exact same way I have, or have a sister, a brother, a friend, a mom, or dad who has fought with alcoholism or alcohol abuse.  For this reason I am so glad I put my story into writing.  I have received many questions about my sober journey and I want to do my best to answer all of them.  I plan on writing about how I got sober, where, and why in my future posts.  I would also like to hear from all of you what else you would like to know about me.

Besides my internet fame, on my birthday I am reflecting back on far how I've come in the last year.  At this time last year I was still hurting, confused, and scared.  Now I am happy, confident, and excited for the future.  Fer and I have safely landed in Florida and we couldn't be happier to be beginning a new life in the USA.

In past years my birthday was always about the biggest, best, and drunkest party.  My how times have changed! Now my birthday is about spending time with my family, friends, and finding joy in the simplest of activities.  I can't help but think about how I shocked I am that I am 29  years old.  Part of being sober is  sometimes feeling like I have missed out on a lot of experiences in the past due to my active drinking.  I feel like just yesterday I was 25 and many years have just blurred on by.  I try not to beat myself up too much about this.  I have promised myself that I will now be present in every aspect of my life and during the important life events of my friends and family.

Most importantly, today I am thankful.  I am healthy, happy, and I get to spend the day with some of my best friends and family.  Anything can happen! And you know what? That's just beautiful.

Please leave me a comment and tell me what else you would like to see me write about! Thank you for reading and following me. :)